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Friday 6 July 2018


July 06, 2018 0

Gen. Yakubu Gowon in 1967 thought he could invade Enugu,
arrest Ojukwu and place him on trial. A mission he could not
accomplish in 3 three years.

As soon as Gowon realized that Gen. Ojukwu and his boys
were not smiling or easy to conquer, Gowon committed 3
crimes against Nigerians just to win the war. These are the
sins of Gowon that are affecting Nigerians today.


Gowon and his supreme military council thought it would be
easy to walk over Biafra and capture Ojukwu so they decided
to launch attack on Enugu to capture Ojukwu. That attempt
met with stiff resistance from unarmed youths to the
surprise of Gowon and his army.
Mauritala, that beast and a bigot in his zealousness made 2
attempts to take over Onitsha but was successfully stopped
by Ojukwu soldiers. This frustration led to a quick fix that
would lead to the worst pact with the devil himself.

In other to aid the federal army, Mauritala Mohammed
convinced Gowon to bring the foreign militias called the
godogodo people to fight Biafra. Those who lived or
witnessed and or fought in the civil war are not strange to
the atrocities of these people.
They were heartless militias paid to kill and praised for their
ruthlessness. Although the Godogodo people were not
trained professional regular soldiers, their duty was to do
the military’s dirty job.

Massacre civilians, rape and slaughter the already
conquered people with hatchet, axe and other dangerous
instruments. They are also experts in torture. Anywhere the
federal troop’s conquered, they will bring the godogodo
people to finish off the civilians.
So in some instances the civilians were warned to flee the
cities before the godogodo people would arrive. These
Godogodo people were not repatriated after the civil war.

Most of them settled in northern Nigeria. The government
lost control of them.
It is the same Godogodo militias that constitute today’s
Fulani herdsmen terrorist group. Those in the east who
witnessed the war will testify about the Godogodo people
named after a village in Kaduna of today.
So The Fulani herdsmen are the offshoot or the continuation
of the Godogodo people Gowon brought to Nigeria to kill
Biafrans. Today they have become the errant virus that eats
what it was supposed to protect.

2. Months into the war, Gowon saw that Biafra could not be
conquered unless Port Harcourt fell into federal hands, so
he went into pact with the president of Cameron. In the pact,
Gowon pledged Bakassi peninsula in exchange if Cameron
allowed Nigeria to use its sea route to get to Port Harcourt.

We are all aware of how many innocent people that died
since the war ended because of this pact. Today the entire
people of Bakassi are displaced and no one is talking about


When Gowon and his military found out that Biafra is not a
pushover, he entered into another contract. This time he
went to Niger for the help of the Arabs in Africa. In other for
Chad and Niger to give the federal government the help they
sought, Niger and its allies, Benin republic and Chad Fulanis
stated their conditions.
That condition was to grant to the Fulani nomads a grazing
route from Niger to the Eastern Nigeria. Again Gowon
without brains accepted this demand and signed off the
arable land of Nigeria to the Fulanis for grazing.

Now if you have been listening or reading what the leaders
of Miyatti Allah have been saying you would notice one
constant claim. They insist that there is international
document that granted them grazing route from Niger to
Eastern Nigeria.

Of all those banning the open grazing, no one has
challenged this claim. Did such document exist? Who are
the signatories? Was it rectified after the war in which Gown
and the supreme military council was in charge for 6 years
after the war?

Now we can see why those who fought the civil war and
looted Nigeria thereafter are criminally silent over this
predicament. The Fulanis claim that Allah gave them our
ancestral land to graze. It is clear who the Allah is… Gen.
Yakubu Gowon is the Allah that gave our land to the Fulanis.
The fact staring us in the face now is that the federal
government cannot and will not protect us. Unless we resist
this as one robbed people these vampires will suck us dry.

They are brutes and experts in fiendish diplomacy, so
dialoguing with them or making any pact with them is a
waste of time. They understand one language, violence,
brute force, like the vampires if you do not overwhelm them
with brute force they will never stop coming.

Arise people of Nigeria and resist this slavery Gowon signed
us into. As for those who felt they defeated Biafra, how far?
As for those clamouring for true federalism or restructuring,
none will solve this problem. The only solution is to kill
Nigeria. Total disintegration will resolve this nonsense as
each nation will make its own laws and protect its territorial

Onyema Uche writes from Washington DC, United States.

Monday 2 April 2018

BREAKING NEWS - Obasanjo Insists Buhari’s Govt Has Failed - Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
BREAKING NEWS - Obasanjo Insists Buhari’s Govt Has Failed - Risingsuntv

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has again criticised the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, maintaining that the government has failed.

The former president said this on Monday when he received members of the New Nigeria group at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

“The first lesson I learnt in my military training is never reinforce failure; what we have now is failure. Never you reinforce failure, let failure be failure,” he said.

The truth is this; when you have an ineffective and incompetent government, we are all victims and don’t let anybody deceive you. Those of you who are in business, your business could have been better today if we have a competent and effective and performing government.”

Church of England to consider 'animal baptism' - Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
Church of England to consider 'animal baptism' - Risingsuntv

The Church of England is poised to consider the baptism of animals for the first time, it was announced today.

The ruling General Synod, which is next scheduled to meet in July, will consider an advisory report compiled by a panel of bishops and others entitled
All of God's Creation.

Synod members will be asked to consider the
implications of introducing a liturgy for pets 'in the
light of an emerging consensus about the value of the environment and an increasing consciousness of animal sentience and awareness', the report says.

Charles Deluvio/Unsplash
Could the Church of England baptise animals?

Speaking at a press conference to highlight the report's main findings, Rt Revd James Graham, the committee chair, said: 'The kingdom of God is
about renewing all of creation, including the created order. It would be possible, therefore, to envisage a situation where dogs and cats and other
pets could be ceremonially sprinkled with water to symbolise their full inclusion in the renewal of all

Pressed on whether this could be described as 'animal baptism', the Bishop said: 'In a manner of speaking, it might be seen that way by some.'

He added: 'In the past we have seen humankind as
in some way distinctive, special and set apart. Now science advises us that many characteristics we once believed to be limited to men and women are
shared with other species, including kindness and empathy. The Christian god is surely one who will welcome any created being with these characteristics fully into his kingdom.'

'After all, look at what I have in common with monkeys and chimpanzees – we're all primates,' the bishop joked, as an unamused press corps sat
stony-faced in front of him.

Asked how animals would be able to make
baptismal vows, Bishop James said: 'It's amazing what animals can do. I've trained my dog to play Widor's Toccata at weddings, and if you weren't
looking, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in quality from that of many regular human organists. It's just a bit tricky cleaning between the
pedals afterwards.'

The report was attached by conservative Anglicans
as being 'Anglicanism at its most wishy-washy'.

A spokesman for a group which claims to be more conservative than anyone else said: 'What is it again? Whatever it is, we're against it. We're always against. Now look, I've got to go as this probably means I am out of communion with you.'

But a spokesperson for a liberal group said: 'How lovely! What a nice idea. Actually, between you and me, we've been doing this in our parish for years.

We use milk for cats though, otherwise they tend to scratch. And we had terrible trouble when someone's pet spider escaped down the font overflow hole.'

2019 Presidency: Ohanaeze youths tackle Nwodo over northern candidate - Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
2019 Presidency: Ohanaeze youths tackle Nwodo over northern candidate - Risingsuntv

By Anayo Okoli

UMUAHIA —OHANAEZE Youth Wing, OYW,  is set to revolt
against the President-General of Ohanaeze , Chief John
Nnia Nwodo, accusing him of plotting to throw Ndigbo
into what they called “a political cul-de –sac,” by allegedly
trying to unilaterally adopt a northern presidential

OYW also accused the Ohanaeze president of running the
body as a one-man business, alleging that he has
rendered the office of the Secretary General of the body
impotent, which they said is the engine room of the
organisation and custodian of Ohanaeze Secretariat.

They claimed that he appointed a director of
administration without the approval of the Ime Obi and
the appointee has usurped the powers of Secretary

“Ohanaeze Ndigbo is a social cultural organisation but he
has converted into a political organisation as he already
has a presidential candidate from the North East and is
trying to impose him on Ndigbo through his deceitful
message on restructuring, and subsequently, bring his
brother or one of his friends as the running mate ahead of
other qualified Igbos,” OYW alleged.

Ohanaeze youths wing in a statement signed by Mazi
Okechukwu Isiguzoro, its President General and Mazi
Okwu Nnabuike, the Secretary General, said: “We, the
Ohanaeze Youth Wing, OYW, presently at the receiving
end of Nwodo’s political forays are not in a haste to
adopt or support any presidential candidate to avoid a
repeat of the Igbo’s mistake of 2015. Hence, we reject his
moves and pressure.

“We believe in popular governance as the name Ohanaeze
Ndigbo suggests and would like the Igbo leaders of
thoughts and South East governors in league with
Ohanaeze Ndigbo to show the way rather one man
dictating the direction.”

Winnie Madikizela- Mandela Is Dead at 81; Fought Apartheid - Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
Winnie Madikizela- Mandela Is Dead at 81; Fought Apartheid - Risingsuntv
Nelson Mandela with Winnie Madikizela-
Mandela after his release from a South
Africa prison in 1990. She often acted as a
conduit to his followers during his
imprisonment. They divorced in 1996.

Greg English/Associated Press
By Alan Cowell April 2, 2018
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, whose hallowed
place in the pantheon of South Africa’s
liberators was eroded by scandal over
corruption, kidnapping, murder and the
adulterous implosion of her fabled marriage
to Nelson Mandela , died early Monday in
Johannesburg. She was 81.

Her death, at the Netcare Milpark Hospital,
was announced by her spokesman, Victor
Dlamini. He said in a statement that she died
“after a long illness, for which she had been
in and out of hospital since the start of the

The South African Broadcasting Corporation
said she was admitted to the hospital over
the weekend complaining of the flu after she
attended a church service on Friday. She had
been treated for diabetes and underwent
major surgeries as her health began failing
over the last several years.
Charming, intelligent, complex, fiery and
eloquent, Ms. Madikizela-Mandela
(Madikizela was her surname at birth) was
inevitably known to most of the world
through her marriage to the revered Mr.

Mandela. It was a bond that endured
ambiguously: She derived a vaunted status
from their shared struggle, yet she chafed at
being defined by him.
Ms. Madikizela-Mandela was cheered by
supporters after appearing in court in
Krugersdorp, South Africa, in 1986. She
commanded a natural constituency of her
own among South Africa’s poor and

Associated Press
Ms. Madikizela-Mandela commanded a
natural constituency of her own among
South Africa’s poor and dispossessed, and
the post-apartheid leaders who followed Mr.
Mandela could never ignore her appeal to a
broad segment of society. In April 2016, the
government of President Jacob G. Zuma gave
Ms. Madikizela-Mandela one of the country’s
highest honors: the Order of Luthuli, given,
in part, for contributions to the struggle for

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela retained a political
presence as a member of Parliament,
representing the dominant African National
Congress, and she insisted on a kind of
primacy in Mr. Mandela’s life, no matter
their estrangement.

“Nobody knows him better than I do,” she
told a British interviewer in 2013.
Increasingly, though, Ms. Madikizela-
Mandela resented the notion that her anti-
apartheid credentials had been eclipsed by
her husband’s global stature and celebrity,
and she struggled in vain in later years to be
regarded again as the “mother of the
nation,” a sobriquet acquired during the
long years of Mr. Mandela’s imprisonment.

She insisted that her contribution had been
wrongly depicted as a pale shadow of his.
“I am not Mandela’s product,” she told an
interviewer. “I am the product of the masses
of my country and the product of my
enemy” — references to South Africa’s white
rulers under apartheid and to her burning
hatred of them, rooted in her own years of
mistreatment, incarceration and banishment.

Conduit to Her Husband
While Mr. Mandela was held at the Robben
Island penal settlement, off Cape Town,
where he spent most of his 27 years in jail,
Ms. Madikizela-Mandela acted as the main
conduit to his followers, who hungered for
every clue to his thinking and well-being.

The flow of information was meager,
however: Her visits there were rare, and she
was never allowed physical contact with him.

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela attended her
husband’s trial in Pretoria, South Africa, in
1962. Associated Press
In time, her reputation became scarred by
accusations of extreme brutality toward
suspected turncoats, misbehavior and
indiscretion in her private life, and a
radicalism that seemed at odds with Mr.
Mandela’s quest for racial inclusiveness.
She nevertheless sought to remain in his
orbit. She was at his side, brandishing a
victor’s clenched fist salute, when he was
finally released from prison in February

At his funeral, in December 2013, she
appeared by his coffin in mourning black —
positioning herself almost as if she were the
grieving first lady — even though Mr.
Mandela had married Graça Machel, the
widow of the former Mozambican president
Samora Machel, in 1998, on his 80th
birthday, six years after separating from Ms.

Madikizela-Mandela and two years after
their divorce. It was Mr. Mandela’s third

In 2016, Ms. Madikizela-Mandela began legal
efforts to secure the ownership of Mr.
Mandela’s home in his ancestral village of
Qunu. She contended that their marriage had
never been lawfully dissolved and that she
was therefore entitled to the house, which
Mr. Mandela had bequeathed to his
descendants. High Court judges rejected that
argument in April. After learning that she
had lost the case, she was hospitalized.
Her lawyers said she would appeal the High
Court judgment.

‘She Who Must Endure’
Nomzamo Winifred Zanyiwe Madikizela was
born to a noble family of the Xhosa-speaking
Pondo tribe in Transkei. Her first name,
Nomzamo, means “she who must endure

Her birth date was Sept. 26, 1936, according
to the Nelson Mandela Foundation and many
other sources, although earlier accounts gave
the year as 1934.

Her father, Columbus, was a senior official in
the so-called homeland of Transkei,
according to South African History Online ,
an unofficial archive, which described her as
the fourth of eight children. (Other accounts
say her family was larger.) Her mother,
Gertrude, was a teacher who died when
Winnie was 8, the archive said.

As a barefoot child she tended cattle and
learned to make do with very little, in
marked contrast to her later years of free-
spending ostentation. She attended a
Methodist mission school and then the
Hofmeyr School of Social Work in
Johannesburg, where she befriended
Adelaide Tsukudu, the future wife of Oliver
Tambo, a law partner of Mr. Mandela’s who
went on to lead the A.N.C. in exile. She
turned down a scholarship in the United
States, preferring to remain in South Africa
as the first black social worker at the
Baragwanath hospital in Soweto.

The Mandelas were married in June 1958.
Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
One day in 1957, when she was waiting at a
bus stop, Nelson Mandela drove past. “I was
struck by her beauty,” he wrote in his
autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom.”
Some weeks later, he recalled, “I was at the
office when I popped in to see Oliver and
there was this same young woman.”
Mr. Mandela, approaching 40 and the father
of three, declared on their first date that he
would marry her. Soon he separated from
his first wife, Evelyn Ntoko Mase, a nurse, to
marry Ms. Madikizela-Mandela on June 14,

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela was thrust into the
limelight in 1964 when her husband was
sentenced to life in prison on charges of
treason. She was officially “banned” under
draconian restrictions intended to make her
a nonperson, unable to work, socialize, move
freely or be quoted in the South African
news media, even as she raised their two
daughters, Zenani and Zindziswa.
In a crackdown in May 1969, five years after
her husband was sent to prison, she was
arrested and held for 17 months, 13 in
solitary confinement. She was beaten and
tortured. The experience, she wrote, was
“what changed me, what brutalized me so
much that I knew what it is to hate.”

After blacks rioted in the segregated
Johannesburg township of Soweto in 1976,
Ms. Madikizela-Mandela was again
imprisoned without trial, this time for five
months. She was then banished to a bleak
township outside the profoundly
conservative white town of Brandfort, in the
Orange Free State.

“I am a living symbol of whatever is
happening in the country,” she wrote in
“Part of My Soul Went With Him,” a memoir
published in 1984 and printed around the
world. “I am a living symbol of the white
man’s fear. I never realized how deeply
embedded this fear is until I came to

Contrary to the authorities’ intentions, her
cramped home became a place of pilgrimage
for diplomats and prominent sympathizers,
as well as foreign journalists seeking

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela cherished
conversation with outsiders and word of the
world beyond her confines. She scorned
many of her restrictions, using whites-only
public phones and ignoring the segregated
counters at the local liquor store when she
ordered Champagne — gestures that stunned
the area’s whites.

Banishment Took Toll
Still, Ms. Madikizela-Mandela’s exclusion
from what passed as a normal life in South
Africa took a toll, and she began to drink
heavily. During her banishment, moreover,
her land changed. Beginning in late 1984,
young protesters challenged the authorities
with increasing audacity.

The unrest spread,
prompting the white rulers to acknowledge
what they called a “revolutionary climate”
and declare a state of emergency.
When Ms. Madikizela-Mandela returned to
her home in Soweto in 1985, breaking her
banning orders, it was as a far more
bellicose figure, determined to assume
leadership of what became the decisive and
most violent phase of the struggle. As she
saw it, her role was to stiffen the
confrontation with the authorities.

The tactics were harsh.
“Together, hand in hand, with our boxes of
matches and our necklaces, we will liberate
this country,” she told a rally in April 1986.
She was referring to “necklacing,” a form of
sometimes arbitrary execution by fire using
a gas-soaked tire around a supposed traitor’s
neck, and it shocked an older generation of
anti-apartheid campaigners. But her severity
aligned her with the young township radicals
who enforced commitment to the struggle.

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela was surrounded by
supporters in the black township of Kagiso
in 1986. Associated Press
In the late 1980s, Ms. Madikizela-Mandela
allowed the outbuildings around her
residence in Soweto to be used by the so-
called Mandela United Football Club, a
vigilante gang that claimed to be her
bodyguard. It terrorized Soweto, inviting
infamy and prosecution.
In 1991 she was convicted of ordering the
1988 kidnapping of four youths in Soweto.

The body of one, a 14-year-old named James
Moeketsi Seipei — nicknamed Stompie, a
slang word for a cigarette butt, reflecting his
diminutive stature — was found with his
throat cut.

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela’s chief bodyguard
was convicted of murder. She was sentenced
to six years for kidnapping , but South
Africa’s highest appeals court reduced her
punishment to fines and a suspended one-
year term.

By then her life had begun to unravel. The
United Democratic Front, an umbrella group
of organizations fighting apartheid and
linked to the A.N.C., expelled her. In April
1992, Mr. Mandela, midway through
settlement talks with President F. W. de
Klerk of South Africa, announced that he and
his wife were separating. (She dismissed
suggestions that she had wanted to be known
by the title “first lady.” “I am not the sort of
person to carry beautiful flowers and be an
ornament to everyone,” she said.)

Two years later, Mr. Mandela was elected
president and offered her a minor job as the
deputy minister of arts, culture, science and
technology. But after allegations of influence
peddling, bribetaking and misuse of
government funds, she was forced from
office. In 1996, Mr. Mandela ended their 38-
year marriage, testifying in court that his
wife was having an affair with a colleague.
Only in 1997, at the behest of Archbishop
Desmond M. Tutu at South Africa’s Truth
and Reconciliation Commission , did Ms.
Madikizela-Mandela offer an apology for the
events of the late 1980s. “Things went
horribly wrong,” she said, adding, “For that I
am deeply sorry.”

Ms. Madikizela-Mandela at a 2009 gathering
to honor her former husband, who died four
years later.

Yet the catalog of missteps continued, cast
into sharp relief by her haughty
dismissiveness toward her accusers. In 2003
she was convicted of using her position as
president of the A.N.C. Women’s League to
obtain fraudulent loans; she was sentenced
to five years in prison. But her sentence was
again suspended on appeal, with a judge
finding that she had not gained personally
from the transactions.

To the end, Ms. Madikizela-Mandela
remained a polarizing figure in South Africa,
admired by loyalists who were prepared to
focus on her contribution to ending
apartheid, vilified by critics who foremost
saw her flaws. Few could ignore her
unsettling contradictions, however.

“While there is something of a historical
revisionism happening in some quarters of
our nation these days that brands Nelson
Mandela’s second wife a revolutionary and
heroic figure,” the columnist Verashni Pillay
wrote in the South African newspaper The
Mail and Guardian, “it doesn’t take that
much digging to remember the truly awful
things she has been responsible for.”
Joseph R. Gregory contributed reporting.
Related Coverage

Angry constituents stone Rep in Taraba - Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
Angry constituents stone Rep in Taraba - Risingsuntv

By John Mkom

Jalingo—Some angry constituents, weekend, attacked
Garba Hamman Julde, a member of the House of
Representatives from Taraba State.

Julde, who represents Bali/Gassol federal constituency in
the lower legislative chamber, had been pelted with
stones by the constituents for allegedly being abandoned
for two years.

Hon. Garba Hamman Julde
The lawmaker had presented 11 motorcycles and one car
to the ward executives and local government chairman of
All Progressives Congress, APC, in Bali Local Government
Area when the incident occurred.

He was, however, quickly spirited away by security
operatives but not without sustaining injury in the attack.
An eyewitness, Musa Sandirde, said the lawmaker was
attacked just as he finished a speech and moved to
present keys to the car and motorcycles to Bali

Sandirde, who said the constituents vowed not to reelect
him in 2019, explained how the lawmaker was attacked,
saying: “Trouble started after he ended his speech at the
rostrum and was making way to present key of the
motorcycles to the beneficiaries.

“There and then, some youths started chanting ‘ba mu
so’ in Hausa, while at the same time throwing sand,
stones and sachet water at him. Police then quickly
intervened and moved him to safety.”

On his part, Ibrahim Daka, a party executive of Bali LGA,
wondered why the lawmaker would abandon his people
for two years and show up to present a car and
motorcycles to a few people.

He said: “He has completely abandoned the people that
sent him to Abuja. For more than two years, he went
missing, only for him to show up this weekend to say he
was presenting 11 motorcycles and one car to ward and
LGA party chairmen.”

“He did that because election is here and they are the
people who will serve as delegates to elect party
flagbearers again. But the people he abandoned turned
against him and showed their anger.”

Julde could not be reached for comments but one of his
aides who did not want his name mentioned confirmed
the attack.

Kaduna monarch to subjects: Don’t be killed like fools… defend yourselves - Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
Kaduna monarch to subjects: Don’t be killed like fools… defend yourselves - Risingsuntv
Zubairu Gwari, emir of Birnin Gwari in Kaduna state,
has asked his subjects to defend themselves against
suspected bandits invading their communities.

One of the 23 local government areas in Kaduna, Birinin
Gwari has recorded a high level of insecurity in recent

It was in the area that 11 soldiers were killed earlier in
the month.

In an interview with Daily Trust , the first class
traditional ruler said he asked his subjects not to
“behave like fools” and get killed.

breaking: african union to observe biafra referendum, ensures a peaceful process -Risingsuntv

April 02, 2018 0
breaking: african union to observe biafra referendum, ensures a peaceful process -Risingsuntv

Biafra: Biafra Referendum And What Africa Stands To
Benefit As AU Backs/Ensures A Peaceful Process
Biafra Referendum Is A Right Approach To The Freedom Of
Biafrans And Afican Union Must Show Leadership And
Precedence To Human Lives Across The Continent

The first set of questions that comes to mind whenever the
talks on Biafra referendum is put in perspective among
faithfuls and sympathizers is often the question of how
bloody the exercise would be - the security of the process.

People begin to imagine how the whole matter is going to
go down in lieu of the several unchallenged highhandedness
of the occupying forces of the joint military and paramilitary
outfits. They continue: are we sure it is not another means
of giving easy baitings to the blood-thirsty government of
Muhammadu Buhari and his Fulani cabal? the people keep

In all these questions and genuine fears and concerns
among the Biafran population and individual foreign friends
and sympathizers, I see a people stuck in a World of
despots, liers, deceivers, blood-suckers, conspirators,
unconcerned, hypocrites and irresponsible leadership, to
mention but a few. Our World has gone blind! Human life
no longer means a thing to humanity! Darkness has
beclouded our original sense of reasoning and empathy!

The evil of lust for material things has ravaged humanity so
United Nations has forgotten the rights of all indigenous
people Worldwide as declared by the general assembly of
heads of state and government and domesticated by
African Union and all the members of the United Nations
and African Union respectively. The statutory and legal
strength of this article 20 declaration has been transacted
for material benefits by all the organizations responsible for
the enforcement of same!

If truly, the African Union is truly poised to protect the
human rights of citizens of all member Nations from
violation and desecration, as has turned a staring and
barbarous tradition among vast majority of her members
and Nigeria, the principal violators in this context, the
African Union, through her statutory institutions such as her
commission, must not only give an unchallenged support to
Biafra 'REFERENDUM', but also saddle the commission with
the responsibility of enforcing same, being a very peaceful
approach to modern standard for freedom.
Enough of the killings and unchecked maiming across
Africa by sitting despots and tyrants in governments.

Colonial administration, which ravaged Africa in the past,
and got her chunk of blames for various misadventures in
the black continent called Africa is now, truly over. If
Africans truly have the capacity to run their affairs and lead
the turn of political Reformation that shall heal Africa from
all foreign imposed and inorganic creations, the much
campaigned Biafra referendum now presents itself as an
outstanding test of strength of black civilization as against
the rhetorics of 'interruption of black civilization' by the
invading white colonial administration.

The World has truly and obviously gone mute! Waiting for
African Union to intervene and show leadership, at least for


1)Africa as a continent shall be respected by the rest of the
civilized World for once.

2)African leaders shall be allowed to make decisions for
the welbeing of the continent and citizens alike

3)There shall be renewed commitment to leadership across

4) Indigenous populations across Africa that seek self-rule,
shall never resort to Arms struggle, which has battered the
image of the continent before the entire World, but go
through an African Union backed Referendum, thereby
avoiding bloodshed and attendant chaos.

5) There shall be a renewed commitment and belief in the
leadership across Africa among the youths and the black
citizens in general.

6) Africa as an emerging Continent shall be the choicest
place for investors from all across the globe

7)Biafrans shall work with other Nations across Africa
towards creating that truly technological continent that shall
stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations/continents of
advanced technology and in the comity of World Nations

8) A great Africa shall breed renewed confidence and pride
among all black people Worldwide, where human rights of
her citizens shall fall within the exclusive priority of the
black Nations and leadership.

9) The Era of potential and creative Africans trooping out
across the World for greener pastures shall be truly over.

10) Africa shall create her dreams into realities.
11) There shall be renewed 'HOPE' across Africa, and Africa
shall be a better place for all.
In the words of Mike Murdoch, the great philosopher " You
will be remembered for two things, the problems you solved
or the ones you created".

The current flocks of leaders across Africa have the golden
opportunity now to scribble their names in the annals of
time. Supporting Biafra would be a solution to a plight,
ignoring Biafra referendum would spell doom for the whole
continent of Africa. A stitch in time also saves nine.

In the phylosophies of Martin Luther King jnr." The ultimate
measure of a man, is not where he stands in moments of
comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of
challenge and controversy"-This should serve as a great
lesson to the rest of Africans and the black people as a
whole in this great moment of attention.

Africa must rise
from the crucibles, only if black life and freedom is given
needed premium.
In conclusion, support Biafra referendum now for a greater,
peaceful and more cohesive Africa.
Alex is a writer with conscience.

Pan-Africanism is my
school of thought!
Help save Biafra!
AUTHOR: Alex C. Okeke
FOR: IPOB Writers

Friday 30 March 2018

Nigeria Will Be Worse Than Somalia Soon -TY Danjuma's Re- Echoes Nnamdi Kanu's Prophecy -Risingsuntv

March 30, 2018 0
Nigeria Will Be Worse Than Somalia Soon -TY Danjuma's Re- Echoes Nnamdi Kanu's Prophecy -Risingsuntv

Nigeria will be worse than Somalia soon -
Danjuma re-echoes Nnamdi Kanu's prophecy.

Defend yourselves or you’ll all die
Nigerian Army is complicit in Fulani terrorism and facilitating their operation

"If you depend on the armed forces to
protect you, you will all die- one by one"

 —TY Danjuma
Former Nigerian Chief of Army Staff and Minister of Defence, Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma, has broken ranks
with his Fulani cohorts to warn Nigerians that war is imminent.

Danjuma, who assassinated the first Nigerian Head of State, Aguiyi Ironsi, yesterday, spat fire by calling on Nigerians to rise and defend themselves against attacks by marauding herdsmen in some parts of the country, or continue to suffer casualties.

Danjuma wh re-echoed a
prophecy of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, warned that Somalia will be better than
Nigeria if the ongoing ethnic cleansing is not stopped.

“You must rise to protect yourselves from these people; if you depend on the armed forces to protect you, you will all

“I ask all of you to be on the alert and defend your country,
defend your state,” he admonished.

He said the unnecessary killings, which is akin to an act of ethnic cleansing being perpetuated against the people of
Taraba, specifically, and Nigeria, at large, must stop.

An obviously and visibly angry Danjuma also lampooned the
military authorities by slapping the institution with the
accusation that it is complicit in the violent incidents by providing protection for the killers.

“This ethnic cleansing must stop in Taraba, and it must stop in Nigeria. These killers have been protected by the
military; they cover them and you must be watchful to guide and protect yourselves because you have no other place to

Speaking at the maiden convocation ceremony of Taraba State University in Jalingo, the Taraba State capital, Danjuma, who received the award of honorary Doctor of Science from the University, lamented that in spite of the cultural diversity in the state, which was supposed to be used as a tool to bring unity among the people, there were armed bandits who come into the state to connive with the military to kill people and cause ethnic cleansing.

Danjuma said when he arrived at the arena of the convocation, he saw a diverse cultural display organised by
Taraba State cultural groups. This, he said, was proof- positive that the state represents Nigeria in all aspects, stressing that there was no need for the killings. The former
Chief of Army Staff then warned that “the ethnic cleansing must stop now otherwise Somalia will be a child’s play”.

General Danjuma’s outburst is coming against the backdrop
of recent violent attacks by killer herdsmen. In the first 10 weeks of 2018 alone, over 1351 people lost their lives ,
largely, as a result of violent killer herdsmen attacks.

Some of these activities have been described as pure criminality. Recall that President Muhammadu Buhari has
been very consistent in his call for peaceful co-existence in the country,m promising to resolve the crisis.

He made a pledge of N100 million to the appeal fund of the university.
While speaking, the visitor, Taraba State University and governor of Taraba State, Darius Ishaku, appreciated the
past governors of the state for initiating the state university.

He said his administration would continue to give priority to
education and the university for a better Taraba.

“The institution has made it possible for many Taraba residents to access tertiary education,” he said, and pledged
government’s support toward making it a model.

Earlier, Prof. Vincent Tenebe, the Vice Chancellor, had commended the state government for its continued support
which had ensured the growth of the university. Tenebe said that 5,900 students from five sets were graduating, and urged them to be good ambassadors of the institution.

If They Fail To Give Us Biafra, Somalia Will Look Like A
Paradise - Nnamdi Kanu (2014)

Jihad has been launched in Nigeria.
Fulani herdsmen must be stopped
before they cause Nigeria to implode.
Avert another war - Danjuma,
Dogonyaro, Lekwot, others warn
Nigerian government

Must Read: P-Square split juicy details: Paul Okoye Opens Secrets Revealed - Risingsuntv

March 30, 2018 0
Must Read: P-Square split juicy details: Paul Okoye Opens Secrets Revealed - Risingsuntv

There is no use waiting for new P-Square music, as the group has broken up for good.

If you want to know what happened between the two brothers, then check out this article, where we will tell you
the real facts about the P-Square split.

The truth It is not like the Okoye brothers have never fought before.

The two have threatened two
break up several times before (at least three
times, but who is counting?), but each time they made up and continued with their career.

So what could have happened this past September?

It has been more than half a year since the
conflict between the two brothers. There have been no major developments on the story until about a week ago, when Paul decided to give an interview to Showtime Celebrity, in which he explained what happened from his point of

You can find the full interview on

From what we have been able to gather, Paul does not like talking about what happened. He shared that he did not appreciate the questions
about his personal life, particularly about the relationship with his brother.

That said, Paul admitted that he took his
brother’s exit from their group to heart. For
months, he could not do anything, as he felt
really low. Nevertheless, Paul has since bounced back and returned to his normal state.

When asked about whether P-Square will ever get back together, the musician said that it was not him who left the group, and he has waited long enough for his brother to return.

Peter did no such thing, which means that there
is probably no future for P-Square.

P-Square fight (Peter's side)

Now that we have talked about Paul's side of the story, let's consider Peter's for a moment.

Why did he decide to leave the group that has brought him immense popularity?

Well, the short answer is that Peter decided that he no longer wanted to be in a group with his brother, so he quit. The long answer is that Peter had a very solid reason for leaving the group.

According to various reports, both his twin
brother Paul and their older brother Jude have behaved extremely inappropriately towards Peter and his family.

Apparently, they were
stirring up all kinds of drama and even
threatening the safety of Peter’s wife and kids.

All three brothers were seen fighting in public, as well as on their social media, which only heated the public’s attention. Later, when the anger died down, the family lawyer had to come out and say that nobody was at fault for what happened, and that all that happened was
because of too much emotion and passion.

Other than that, there is little else known about the conflict and its causes. Even though quite some time has passed, it is evident that P-
Square is not very likely to exist ever.

How P-Square story started
P-Square started out as a young brother duo of Peter and Paul Okoye, when the two of them were in school, however, back then, they were not yet known as P-Square.

For some time, the brothers even were a part of a quartet that sang a cappella (can you imagine that?), but, as you
can see, it did not last long.

At the dawn of the twenty first century, Peter and Paul finally realized that they did not need anyone else to become successful musicians and decided become a duet.

Before they settled on
P-Square, they tried the names P&P, Double P
and Da Pees.

After winning Grab Da Mic in 2001 and
releasing their debut album in 2003, P-Square
began gaining immense popularity. Over the next decade, the dynamic twin duo managed to become one of the most successful Nigerian musicians, with fans all over the world.

For many years, the two were the richest musicians in the country, raking money from their tours
and music sales.

Where is P-Square now?

If you have stopped following the duo after
their breakup, then you might be surprised that two brothers are still doing very well, even on their own. Of course, they are not quite as popular separately as they were together.

As we have mentioned previously, it took a long time for Paul Okoye to return to the studio and create music on his own.

However, time has passed, wounds have healed (or at least scabbed
over), and Paul is back again. These days, the man performs under the name RudeBoy or King Rudy.

Even without his brother, he manages to
gather large crowds for his concerts, and his songs get thousands of hits. Paul also enjoys spending time with his wife and children.

If you want to follow the life of King Rudy, you can find him on Twitter and Instagram
@rudeboypsquare and on Facebook and
Snapchat @rudeboyfire. It is interesting to see
that he still has not dropped the P-Square part
from his socials.

As for Peter Okoye, he wasted no time on
building his solo career. Despite the fact that he was the one who initiated the breakup, Peter, or
Mr. P, as he is now known, often uses the name P-Square, as can be seen on his concert posters.

Just like his brother, he is making his own
music, touring different countries and
seemingly enjoying the luxurious life of a solo
artist. You can find him @peterpsquare on
Twitter and Instagram. Nevertheless, he is far
from being as popular as P-Square once was.
Overall, it seems like this breakup has been a
long time coming.

Tensions between the
brothers have been building up over the years, and 2017 just became the year when everything
fell apart. Neither of the brothers feel like
talking about this anymore, so it would be best if we leave it alone as well. Whether P-Square ever gets back together or not, we hope that both Peter and Paul have a bright future.

World’s CHRISTIANS in turmoil as Pope 'admits HELL DOES NOT EXIST' - Risingsuntv

March 30, 2018 0
World’s CHRISTIANS in turmoil as Pope 'admits HELL DOES NOT EXIST' - Risingsuntv

MILLIONS of Christians across the world had their faith shaken to its foundations after reports the Pope admitted
HELL DOES NOT EXIST and that bad people simply cease to be.

The devil is REAL: Pope says Satan
Furious Pope Francis hits out at Vatican
in scathing Christmas message
Pope Francis likens modern migrants to
Saint Joseph and Mary
Popular In the Community
In a jaw-dropping Good Friday ‘revelation’ Pope Francis
reportedly told an Italian journalist that at the moment of death the souls of “sinners” would “disappear”.

Furious Catholics have suggested the claim sounds more akin to atheism than Christianity.
Eugenio Scalfari, 93, said Pope Francis told him: “Hell doesn’t exist, the disappearance of the souls of sinners exists.”

The quotes appeared in Italian newspaper La Republica, a
newspaper co-founded by Mr Scalfari.
Polish priest wishes
Pope early death over
Muslim speech
Pope tells priests not
to preach holy laws at

The shock revelation from the spiritual leader of the Roman
Catholic faith overturns more than 2,000 years of orthodoxy.

Conservative Roman Catholics have raged at the Pope for
changing fundamental aspects of the faith set out in the

Antonio Socci, a Catholic author, accused the Pope of
heresy and called for his abdication.
Another Vatican spoke on the condition of anonymity: “He’s
a very strange theologian, assuming Scalfari properly
understood what he was saying.

Pope Francis says there's no hell
“He increases confusion among ordinary Catholics, who no
longer know what to believe.”

The expert believes Mr Scalfari over the Vatican because “if
someone traduces your thoughts, you don’t keep inviting
him back.

Mr Scalfari said that the Pope made the explosive remarks in response to a question asking what happened to wicked
souls after death.

The Pope claimed that unrepentant sinners are not punished after death - instead, they just disappear.

Francis and Mr Scalfari, an atheist philosopher, have met
four times before.

On other occasions too, the Vatican has had to issue
clarifications after meetings with Mr Scalfari - who
reportedly reconstructs dialogue from memory without
taking notes or using a recorder.

The Vatican has confirmed that the meeting took place this
time, but insisted it was not an interview.
It said: “No words in quotation marks should be considered
as a faithful transcription of the Holy Father’s words.”

The Times welcomed the Pope’s alleged comments, however: “The Pope’s clarification that there is no such
thing as eternal fire and brimstone even for those who eschew faith should be a reassurance to everyone.”

Pope Francis has previously been criticised for replying,
“Who am I to judge?” - when asked what he thought of
homosexual Christians.

Nnamdi Kanu: Court Overrules Federal Government Of Nigeria - Risingsuntv

March 30, 2018 0
Nnamdi Kanu: Court Overrules Federal Government Of Nigeria - Risingsuntv

March 28, 2018, A Federal High
Court Overruled The Federal Government On The Matter Of
Nnamdi Kanu, The Biafran Leader Who Has Been Missing Since September, 2017 When The Nigerian Army Carried
Out Lethal Operations At His Home At Umuahia In Abia

Since Kanu’s Trial Resumed In October Last Year After
The Military Attack, Kanu Has Neither Be Seen Nor Heard

Relying On Army’s Denials Of Holding Kanu, The Federal
Government Has Since Then Claimed That His
Nonappearance At His Trial Was Enough To Revoke His
Bail And Compel His Three Sureties To Forfeit Their

Conversely, The Lawyers To The Sureties Had
Consistently Advanced The Argument That The Issue Of
The Military Invasion Had To Be Considered First Before
The Issue Of Breach Of Bond Or Kanu’s Trial Can Ever
Arise. But Till This Last Hearing, Counsels Have Never
Had Sufficient Opportunity To Fully Present Their

On February 20, 2018 When The Matter Came Up For
Further Mention, Justice Binta Nyako Of Federal High
Court Abuja Agreed To Severe Kanu’s Case From That Of
His Co-defendants, Which Then Set The Stage For
Treating Kanu’s Case Separately And Perhaps Properly.
On March 28, When The Case Came Up For A Resumed
Hearing, The Attorney General Of The Federation Yet
Again Strongly Argued For Revocation Of Mazi Kanu’s
Bond And Issuance Of Bench Warrant Against Him.
The AGF, Who Was Represented By Bar.
Shuaibu Lanaran,
Further Argued That Kanu’s Sureties ‘did Not Deserve Any
Hearing On The Matter, But Must Produce Kanu Or Face

In Opposition, Counsels For The Three Sureties Jointly
Argued That A Forfeiture Proceeding First Requires An
“enrolled” Show Cause Order Before Any Issue Of
Revocation Or Bench Warrant Can Arise.

The Lawyers Told The Court That Their Clients Are Yet To
Be Served With Such Order And Thus The Matter Cannot
Be Said To Be Properly Before The Court. Counsels Cited
Pertinent Statutory And Judicial Authorities.

In A Counter-argument, The AGF Alleged That The
Lawyers Have “conspired” To Raise Technical Defenses
To The Matter, Whereupon The Court Immediately Took
Exception To The Remark And Ordered Labaran To
Apologize To The Lawyers, Which He Did Promptly And

In The End, Justice Nyako Agreed With The Submissions
Of The Lawyers For The Sureties And Ordered The AGF To
Properly And Timely Serve The Sureties With An Order To
Show Cause In Compliance With The Rules Of Procedure.

The Next Hearing Is Scheduled For June 26, 2018, When
Lawyers For The Sureties Will Have The First Opportunity
To Introduce Direct Evidence Of The Army Invasion Of
Kanu’s House, Which Has Been Said To Be The Proximate
Cause Of His Disappearance. If The Court Upholds Their
Argument, Nigerian Army May Be Cited For Contempt And
That Alone Is Likely To Affect The Course Of The Trial In
Kanu’s Favor.

It Will Be Recalled That Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Was Taken On
Bail Last Year On The Bond Of N100 Million Each Provided
By Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, Jewish Rabbi Immanu El
Ben Madu And Tochukwu Uchendu, An Accountant.

The Sureties Were Represented In Court By Barristers Aloy
Ejimakor, Chukwuma Machukwu Umeh (SAN), And FC


Former vice mayor of China’s Lyuliang City sentenced to death for corruption - Risingsuntv

March 30, 2018 0
Former vice mayor of China’s Lyuliang City sentenced to death for corruption - Risingsuntv
Zhang Zhongsheng, former vice mayor of Lyuliang City in
north China's Shanxi Province, was sentenced to death on
Wednesday for taking bribes, the Intermediate People's
Court of Linfen in Shanxi Province said.

According to the court, Zhang received bribes in cash and
property worth a total of 1.04 billion yuan (165 million US
dollars) from 1997 to 2013. Apart from being sentenced to
death, Zhang has also been deprived of all his political
rights for life and all of his properties are forfeited.

Rising Sun TV Blog