Must Read :The power of forgiveness - Risingsuntv - Welcome To Rising Sun TV Blog

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Sunday 11 March 2018

Must Read :The power of forgiveness - Risingsuntv

By Rev. Fr. John Damian Adizie, OCD
Our world is gradually becoming so aggressive. It is a
world where people believe that the only way to demon-
strate their power is through wickedness and vengeance.

A world where people are beginning to practice the
doctrine of eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Here in
Nigeria, it has gotten to a stage where men of God can
now attack themselves not just on the  pulpit but also in a
law court.

 A world where religious leaders are beginning
to take laws into their hands – all in the name of
vengeance. It is in a world like this that I want to remind
Christians, especially my fellow men of God, the essence
of our faith.

Our Lord Jesus Christ told his followers, “You have heard
that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate
your enemy. But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray
for those who per-secute you. So that you may be sons
of your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:43).
Forgive-ness is the only way we can prove to the world
that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God. To
sin is, in-deed, human but to for-give is divine.

While the world sees for-giveness as an act of weakness
our Lord Jesus Christ proved to the world that it is indeed
the most power-ful force. He did not overcome the world
with insults (as most men of God are doing nowadays).

He did not use military force. The only weapon He used
was the weapon of forgiveness. On the Cross of Calvary
He did what men could not do. He was the first man in
the history of humanity to forgive and even pray for his
executioners. Instead of cursing his execution-ers, he
prayed for them, saying, “Father, forgive them; for they
know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

Certainly, this was not what his enemies were expecting
to hear. They were highly disappointed!
No wonder Mahatma Gandhi declares, “The weak can
never forgive. Forgiveness is the attri-bute of the strong.”
God demonstrates his might through forgive-ness. He
revealed his true identity to Moses in the following words:

“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to
anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness…
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin” (Exodus
34:6-7). Our God is so powerful that noth-ing and nobody
can easily provoke him. He is fully in control of His
feelings. He is indeed, slow to anger!

The spirit of unforgiveness has rendered so many people
stagnant. The truth, according to Steve Maraboli, is
“Unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself and the
situation, and unless you realize that the situation is over,
you cannot move forward.”

The more you hold someone on the ground the more you
remain on the ground. If you really want to move forward
and if you want to free yourself from bondage, then you
must be ready to forgive and let go.
Nothing is as poisonous as the spirit of unforgiveness.

That is why Nelson Mandela declared: “Resentment (and
Unforgiveness) is like drinking poison and then hoping it
will kill your enemies.” This is foolishness of the highest
order. Whenever you keep malice, the person may not
know that you are dying because of him or her. While he
enjoys his sleep you may end up having sleepless nights
because of him. Malice, resentment and unforgiveness
has destroyed so many people’s lives. They are the worst
form of poison in the world.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, defines forgiveness as the
essence of Christianity. According to him, “To be a
Christian means being forgiving, kind, humble, gentle,
generous and merciful with one another.”
Forgiveness is peculiar to Christians.

Without forgiveness
there will be no Christianity and without Christianity there
will be no forgiveness. True Christians are known by their
humility and forgiveness. In fact, a Christian is
condemned to forgive. That why Jesus told Peter to
forgive seventy times seven times.

That is, uncountable times!

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