See what the world are saying about Putin’s re-election - Risingsuntv - Welcome To Rising Sun TV Blog

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Monday 19 March 2018

See what the world are saying about Putin’s re-election - Risingsuntv

Vladimir Putin

China was the first world power to react on
Monday to Russian strongman Vladimir
Putin ’ s re - election vowing to push ties to a
“ higher level” , but Germany questioned the
fairness of the vote and warned Moscow
would remain “ difficult” .

Here’ s a roundup of global reaction :

– ‘ Cooperative partnership ’ –

Just a day after Xi Jinping was unanimously
re- appointed President, the Chinese leader said
Beijing was willing to work with Moscow.

“ Currently , the China - Russia comprehensive
strategic cooperative partnership is at the best
level in history , which sets an example for
building a new type of international
relations , ” Xi said in a message to Putin ,
according to the official Xinhua news agency .

“ China is willing to work with Russia to keep
promoting China - Russia relations to a higher
level. ”

– ‘ Challenges ’ –

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was to
congratulate Putin, but the message will also
raise “ challenges ” in relations , her spokesman
said .
Berlin and Moscow have “ differences in
opinion ” on issues ranging from Russian
politics to the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria .

“ Nevertheless, the continuous contact with
Russia’ s leadership is very important to us. ”
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas was more
critical , saying : “ We certainly cannot talk in
all respects about a fair political contest as we
know it . ”

It was “ unacceptable ” that the election also
took place in Crimea , which Russia annexed
from Ukraine four years ago in breach of
international law , Maas said .

“ In this respect , we assume that Russia will
remain a difficult partner . ”

– ‘ Denuclearise North Korea’ –

Japan ’ s Foreign Ministry said Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe had congratulated Putin and they
agreed to work together for North Korea ’ s

“ The two leaders confirmed their close
cooperation in realising North Korea ’ s
denuclearisation” before an expected summit
between US President Donald Trump and
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un , the
ministry said .

Abe and Putin also discussed joint economic
activities on disputed islands and
“ humanitarian measures ” for former Japanese
islanders, the ministry said .
Referring to the poisoning of a former Russian
spy in Britain, Abe told Putin the use of
chemical weapons was not acceptable .

– ‘ Develop relations further’ –

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
congratulated Putin on his “ decisive victory ”
and pledged to boost ties .

“ I am sure that during your new term ,
relations between our two countries will
develop further, ” he said .
Iran and Russia have strengthened ties in
recent years , both giving major military and
financial backing to Syrian President Bashar
al- Assad .

– ‘ Strategic ties ’ –

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi sent his
“ warmest congratulations , ” according to a
statement .
“(Sisi) lauds the strategic relations that the two
countries share and their keenness to further
enhance them so as to realise the interests of
both peoples. ”

– ‘ End blackmail and sanctions ’ –

France ’ s far - right National Front , which has
enjoyed close ties with the Kremlin , urged the
European Union to reconsider its poor
relations with Russia.

Putin ’ s re- election should above all “ bring the
European Union to reconsider and put an end
to its absurd and counter- productive
blackmail , threats and sanctions, ” against
Moscow, a party statement said

– ‘ Brother countries ’ –

The presidents of leftist regimes in Venezuela
and Bolivia effusively congratulated Putin both
using the same word , “ overwhelming” to
describe the victory .

Russia and Venezuela are “ brother countries ”
as both must “ face the frequent manoeuvres
of imperialism ” to “ impose doctrines of world
supremacy, ” said a statement from President
Nicolas Maduro .

Bolivian President Evo Morales said on Twitter
that Putin ’ s win “ guarantees geopolitical
equilibrium and world peace before the
onslaught of imperialism ” .

– ‘ Health and happiness’ –

Saudi Arabia ’ s new strongman, Saudi Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his father
King Salman sent congratulations and wished
Putin “ constant good health and happiness
and his people steady progress and
prosperity ” .


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